
Showing posts from December, 2019

Falling in moonlove

Did you see the ring around the moon the other night? Or was that just over my house? Either way, it looked like a great big hole in the sky with the moon's eye half opened, peering down at me. Radical climate changes and twilights, along with sunsets and moonrises are my kind of movies. If I could record the skies, I would. I mean it's not impossible but it'll just look shitty in the recordings. Perhaps the moon-ring was God's monocle. To no one's surprise, the nighttime sun won the staring contest yet again. I surrendered, actually and wrote these words. I am open today for moon discussion ONLY. Any non-moon talk will absolutely be ignored. Other planetary prompts, okay on case by case basis.

Unbeknownst to just about everybody

It's been especially windy here the past few weeks. Came back from hometown shades me blues. At times, it felt like a sudden gust of wind might just buffet my whole body and blow me away to an alternate reality I feel unloved. I bet trees close their eyes and pretend they are flying on windy days. I was happier when I was sadder about different things. I just miss goodly conversation. As much as I love the change of color of skies, connection with bugs and plant, flowers and trees, the rumors that reach me on the wind whisper that climate change is not a rumor at all. I'm surprised that this issue is being debated at all. It's not like we do not have sufficient data to determine if climate change is occurring in fact or actuality, or not. Would you rather believe the words of experts who have been in the field for their entire career or the words of Donald Trump, a, if I may borrow Michael Cohen's native tongue, conman, who is fraught with unpleasant, unscientific ass

Say What You Mean To Say

Can't stop writing my jaded mind. Less sleeping these days. I sensibly awake but my tired mind wandering to bit of everything. I simply wondering of with all the love that his heart can stand, what makes this man throw it all away just as John Mayer said it in his lyrics. I am so full of love. Even my mother against me naivety. I told you I was being as transparent as I can be. So utterly, completely my whole being. I hundred percent sure that lately I get the feeling that I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. So here goes a short poem that I thought of regarding me moving on, with life. It's called: I'm moving on damnit from my failure that now are catching up from literal obnoxious media freaktard from your sickening good love from pain from unhappiness that I carried my own from boring weekend from that night, that cold night from my underdeveloped self from failing to being better from time to time from that rejection from the truth

New File 001.pdf

"There is no agony than bearing an untold story inside you" to quote Maya Angelou. I have overcoming my anxiety by extending myself to my mother's liking, writing long message to John (to which I think little response than I expected but I got fresh eggs for the evening and I handpicked my favorite long brinjal that I ate immediately) Writing long message to Nisa. (She was in turmoil) Wake up and meditate. Do you master multitasking? Do you know we are actually bad in multitasking. Only takes more than 3 months to master the actual multitasking. I recently read about a hard working person when she first immigrated to US almost have nothing and every reason to be in despair. Behind with rent, broke, a newborn, couldn't help her parent who needed help. Both being unable to help her, she had to help herself. Not just being strong but willing to get out of poverty living. Reading through she went in to Law Schools, opened cleaning company, help her friends where both su